You have your current building of residence to yourself for 48 hours...

Current Events

Current Events » You have your current building of residence to yourself for 48 hours...
You get to your front door before unlocking.

And you lose your eyesight and the ability to speak for those 48 hours and the challenge begins.

You can forfeit at any time and your sight will return instantly as will your ability to speak.

You will get 1 penny for each second that you remain without sight or speech.

Successfully complete a challenge then you will be paid a dollar per second instead, paid from the start, and the dollar amount increases by 1 per challenge. Complete all challenges successfully then it goes to 100 dollars per second.

1. Eat a bowl of cereal without spilling anything.
2. Do a load of laundry of actually dirty clothes. (including drying and folding)
3. Order a pizza being delivered to you and paying the right amount in cash. Driver cannot help you at any time.
4. Paint a simple picture of a yellow sun, blue sky and green grass.
5. Listen to the album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band .
6. Throw a ball up in the air above your head and catch 10 times in a row.
7. Make and drink a hot drink (Tea, coffee or hot chocolate your preference)
8. Make and eat a sandwich with at least 3 ingredients not including the bread.
9. Go from your front door to your bathroom while hopping on one leg no alternating feet.
10. Replace your bed sheets and make your bed each day.

How much money do you make?

This Signature is Not in Use.
Post #3 was unavailable or deleted.
Some I'm about 50/50 whether I could perform them or not. At the most I'd make just over $1 million.
I could probably do the computer stuff since I can touch type and you can do everything with a keyboard. Doubt I'd really bother with trying, though.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
1, 2, and 5 through 9.

Eat the cereal dry.

Laundry might be rough (the knob on the washer is finicky) but I can muddle through.

Listening to an album isn't complicated, especially nowadays (ok Google)

The ball takes attempts but I have two full days.

Hot drink? Keurig.

Sandwich is gonna be garbage but I can do it.

Hopping on one foot for maybe 12 feet, I can have a hand on a wall the whole time.

The pizza and picture I can't set up without prior effort, and my sheets are fitted, makes it tricksy.
Do you get multiple tries if you fail a challenge, or is it just gone for good at that point?
All of it is doable. Paint sets typically follow ROYGBIV.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
I could probably do 6, maybe 7 (8 at most) of those. The ones I couldn't would be stuff like painting and pizza money. I do have paints and supplies, but actually getting them together and painting the right colors would a matter of chance.

So if I get them done immediately I could probably make like a million I guess?
I do drawings and stuff
Front door before unlocking
Fine, my front door key has a distinctive plastic cover around it.

1. Eat a bowl of cereal without spilling anything.
Easy. I have my cereal in a large circular bin that is large enough to fit a bowl into. Grab a bowl, scoop out cereal, eat dry.

2. Do a load of laundry of actually dirty clothes. (including drying and folding)
Feasible. My dirty clothes hamper, washer, laundry soap, and dryer are all laid out. I would probably mix up socks while putting them away.

3. Order a pizza being delivered to you and paying the right amount in cash. Driver cannot help you at any time.
I'm not concerned about right amount in cash, that's just tip. I'm not sure how I'd order a pizza without speaking or seeing though.

4. Paint a simple picture of a yellow sun, blue sky and green grass.
Probably could do this blind. I can get to my colored pencils and paper blind, but I don't have the organization memorized to pick out colors blind.

5. Listen to the album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band .
I don't think I can pull that off.

6. Throw a ball up in the air above your head and catch 10 times in a row.
I probably could not do this. If I could even find a ball, I would probably lose it in the attempt.

7. Make and drink a hot drink (Tea, coffee or hot chocolate your preference)
Easy. My tea stuff is all laid out in a straightforward fashion for groggy half-awake assembly every morning.

8. Make and eat a sandwich with at least 3 ingredients not including the bread.
Easy. Bread, ham, spinach, and presliced cheese are all in readily identifiable places in the fridge and I could identify them by touch.

9. Go from your front door to your bathroom while hopping on one leg no alternating feet.
I'd give it a shot, mainly by left-hand walling it for stability. Might take a few attempts.

10. Replace your bed sheets and make your bed each day.
That would be a hassle, but worth the shot.

I just might pull off a million dollar payout.
Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.
1,2,9, and 10. Easy money. I live in a town house. Ill just take a bunch of sleep aid after those challenges.
He's all alone through the day and night.
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
I think I could do 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 pretty easily. 3 and 4 sound impossible.
IAmTheNakedMan posted...
1. Eat a bowl of cereal without spilling anything.
Sounds pretty easy. Dry cereal. The only hard part would be pouring. And actually, I can just use a measuring cup and scoop it out.

2. Do a load of laundry of actually dirty clothes. (including drying and folding)
I can find dirty clothes easily, since I keep them in a hamper. And I can tell the difference between the bleach and the detergent by touch easily. Getting the sittings right might be a bit trial and error but as long as it washes and dries, I pass. I don't look at them to fold anyway.

3. Order a pizza being delivered to you and paying the right amount in cash. Driver cannot help you at any time.
Might be doable if I can get to the bank. I don't carry any cash anyway, so I can have a screen reader get me through ordering and reading the total, write down the total and withdraw that amount. The travel would be a problem though.

4. Paint a simple picture of a yellow sun, blue sky and green grass.
I acquire the three colors, and then I simply paint six paintings: one with each permutation of the three colors.

5. Listen to the album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band .
Screenreader. Easy.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
6. Throw a ball up in the air above your head and catch 10 times in a row.
Sounds hard af. But if I only have to throw it like an inch high, I might be able to pull it off after enough tries.

7. Make and drink a hot drink (Tea, coffee or hot chocolate your preference)
Couldn't be easier. Fill a mug halfway with water, pour the water in the reservoir, insert a k cup, place mug under the spout, turn it on, sip.

8. Make and eat a sandwich with at least 3 ingredients not including the bread.
I could probably find turkey and two different cheeses in the fridge. Easy.

9. Go from your front door to your bathroom while hopping on one leg no alternating feet.
Keep a hand on the wall, as mentioned above.

10. Replace your bed sheets and make your bed each day.
Sounds like it would be trickier than it sounds... But hell, I'll try it.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
I could easily do 1, 8, 9,

with a bit of effort I think I could do 2 and 10. I probably also could do 7 but I'd be too worried about burning myself to try

3 I don't have any idea how to order online and pay with cash.
4 I don't have paints + I wouldn't be able to identify the colours anyway
5 maaaybe I could do this. it's the first youtube result and I can touchtype but the question is if I can find the browser + manage to click the result
6 possible, if I could locate a ball. especially if it's a really big one. wouldn;t be easy but it's not like I have much else to do for 2 days
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Screenreader. Easy.
do you actually know how to turn on and setup a screenreader without being able to see, though
kirbymuncher posted...
do you actually know how to turn on and setup a screenreader without being able to see, though
It's cool, I set it up six hours ago.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
I might be able to load up the beatles album on youtube and if I get multiple tries, I can probably do the bathroom one if I can use the wall as a balance aid, so I guess I get either $1728, $172,800 or $345,600?
When money talks for the very last time, and nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race, and that's mankind, then we shall be free
Tree fiddy
I think you're hurting yourself, 'cause you hurt me
IAmTheNakedMan posted...
1. Eat a bowl of cereal without spilling anything.
2. Do a load of laundry of actually dirty clothes. (including drying and folding)
3. Order a pizza being delivered to you and paying the right amount in cash. Driver cannot help you at any time.
4. Paint a simple picture of a yellow sun, blue sky and green grass.
5. Listen to the album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band .
6. Throw a ball up in the air above your head and catch 10 times in a row.
7. Make and drink a hot drink (Tea, coffee or hot chocolate your preference)
8. Make and eat a sandwich with at least 3 ingredients not including the bread.
9. Go from your front door to your bathroom while hopping on one leg no alternating feet.
10. Replace your bed sheets and make your bed each day.
Not gonna do the math for the dollar amount but,

  1. 50/50 on if I could do this one.
  2. Do I still have to fold it if I wouldn't usually fold it? If not, I can do this.
  3. Nowhere delivers to here. And no way I could do this with both sight and speech gone.
  4. Maybe.
  5. I could maybe get it playing, but I couldn't do the listening to it part.
  6. Yep, I reckon I could do this one.
  7. I probably could , but too dangerous under the conditions. Not gonna fuck with anything boiling.
  8. Yep, I could do this one.
  9. Too risky.
  10. Yep, I could do this.
I fought the Trumble and the Trumble won.
I can do at least the hot drink option.
No lollygaggin'.
I'm so convinced I could do this I almost wanna try it for free. The only thing stopping me from completing this challenge is not having the groceries which is implied would be there automatically.
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Going hungry for 48 hours isnt the end of the world tbh.
No lollygaggin'.
Current Events » You have your current building of residence to yourself for 48 hours...