I'm thinking of getting a vasectomy.....but i'm afraid

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Current Events » I'm thinking of getting a vasectomy.....but i'm afraid
i'm afraid of giving up the option for kids entirely.

I'm like 90% sure i don't want any. I guess i'm still on the fence.

I don't see myself being a good parent. I'm too selfish. I like sleeping, i like my alone time and i like having a lot of disposable income.

has anyone here done the procedure? how did you feel after?
Why exactly do you want this?

If you arent sure, just use protection. There are so many options.

Dont do it because you want to be irresponsible
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if you aren't 100% sure then don't do it.
_____Cait posted...
Why exactly do you want this?

If you arent sure, just use protection. There are so many options.

Dont do it because you want to be irresponsible
i guess i just want to make sure it doesn't happen by accident . but you're right that i should consider other contraceptives in the mean time.
I got one but 5 years ago and my doctor wouldn't have performed the procedure if I didn't already have 3 kids. They interview you before the vasectormy, they even made me watch a video that looked like it was made in the 1970s and it was almost identical to those sex ed videos you saw in 8th or 9th grade.

The doctors that are only in it for the money don't give a shit and will just do it. I guess it depends on the insurance provider.

The pain wasn't that bad but the recovery was annoying, it took several weeks before I could orgasm without pain. I did it as an "in office" procedure so it only cost me a $35 co-pay.
Isn't it reversible? (not infinitely so)
So if you change your mind just adopt. I got mine over 10 years ago because my wife and I had a pregnancy scare that cemented the fact that neither of us wanted kids.
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Simple as recognizing that 100% is the only percent that matters when it comes to big decisions, if you can help it.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
I've been kinda in the same boat recently. Me and my SO don't want kids, but there is this weird "what if" in my head, even though I also don't see myself changing my mind on it.
- The user formerly known as WafflehouseJK
You could always have some sperm frozen if you are that concerned.
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ironman2009 posted...
if you aren't 100% sure then don't do it.
This, for sure.

As for the procedure itself, it wasnt too bad. No pain for the most part, more just discomfort a bit during, and then after here and there. Icing it a bit that first day and then using a jock strap for the next week or 2 helped a lot. Have to travel for work a week after and was sitting in a car for 8 hours straight, and that was about the worst of it. Was a bit sore that next day but it was not bad after then.
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Vasectomies aren't always reversible, and you should make your decision under the impression that it won't be, not that it will be.

It gets downplayed a lot, but it's something to keep in mind. I was cringing when so many people were getting vasectomies in the immediate wake of Roe getting overturned.
sabin017 posted...
Isn't it reversible? (not infinitely so)
The chance of it being reversible can be as low as 60%
Isn't it standard practice to freeze some sperm before you have it done?
You could always adopt. Best to adopt an older "unadoptable" child, too. Just be warned that you need to have a psyche of steel to care for one.

sabin017 posted...
Isn't it reversible? (not infinitely so)

It's only reversible for the first 2 years, and even then the chances aren't great.
How old are you?

It's crazy to me that nobody has asked yet
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Current Events » I'm thinking of getting a vasectomy.....but i'm afraid