This is a threat right? It's blackmail right? It's so unclear.It's a Trump Guarantee! (AKA Who The Fuck Knows?)
He wants their resources, same as with Greenland.I don't think Trump wants anything, he's just concerned with establishing his place in the history books and serving his own ego.
That's not to say someone hasn't directed him to Canada and Greenland for their resources tho.I'm sure Elon is encouraging it. He's looking at Greenlands lithium and licking his lips
This.That's what happens when you stay online too long, or you surround yourself with right wingers. From what I've been seeing irl, nobody is paying attention to Greenland.
I was shocked to see how quickly Americans changed their views on Greenland as soon as Trump said that he wanted it.
Less than a day later, most Americans (at least online) were baying for blood. Saying that the Danes weren't "real" people and that they shouldn't be considered with regard to Greenland.
And that applied doubly-so for the people of Greenland, too.
This isn't a f***ing Paradox game man. There is no real life mechanic preventing an invasion without a proper cases belli.No fucking shit. And in real life, if you just decide to invade without justification, people don't do dick all about it. Casus Bellis aren't video games mechanics. If the USA invaded Canada, there is literally no claim to anything. Trump has literally said "we are putting tariffs on you and if you want them to stop be absorbed into the US." There is no claim to any validity to their words. Even fucking Russia Made a proper claim before it tried to invade even if it was flimsy as shit.
This would absolutely trigger NATO's mutual defense clause though. The US military absolutely does not have the capacity to invade and occupy a landscape the size of Canada for any prolonged period of time. We couldn't manage it in Vietnam, we couldn't do it in Afghanistan, and we didn't really do it in Iraq. And those were places that had a sizeable contingent of people who were happy with us being there because of the crimes of the previous regimes.
That's what happens when you stay online too long, or you surround yourself with right wingers. From what I've been seeing irl, nobody is paying attention to Greenland.This. Literally everyone is trying to live and so many people in here stay online way too much.
Puerto Rico: Are we a joke to you?
But yeah, no. Donald's smoking some bad reefer to come up with this.
The citizens are lazy. The military overwhelmingly supports Trump. The citizens are the only thing that can do anything but they won't.People are currently complacent because the average American normie hasn't been impacted directly by Trump's antics yet, but that'll change. It's easy to forget what's going on when I'm out at Target or something.
They'll just listen to whatever God Emperor tells them and believe. That's what America is now.
I don't think Trump wants anything, he's just concerned with establishing his place in the history books and serving his own ego.His place in history is secured. It's just what he will be remembered as that remains to be seen that depends on who is writing the history books in twenty or thirty years.
That's not to say someone hasn't directed him to Canada and Greenland for their resources tho.
Does Canada have any defenses to suppress the full might of the American military? This isn't even a Ukraine-Russia type scenario. I'd never wish it to happen but it would be a fast war.
Also consider: Canada would no doubt call for support from allies, including Australia, who have fucking emus .
Im now imagining helicopters dropping combat-trained kangaroos on US soilDrop bears.
His place in history is secured. It's just what he will be remembered as that remains to be seen that depends on who is writing the history books in twenty or thirty years.It sure won't be his people, Nazi Germany didn't make it twenty years and their dictator wasn't deliberately trying to destroy the country.
It sure won't be his people, Nazi Germany didn't make it twenty years and their dictator wasn't deliberately trying to destroy the country.Yeah. Hitler's policies had a short term economic benefit. Seems like war is good for profit. Of course it wasn't sustainable and he lost but Trump doesn't even have that short term boost. It's just straight off a cliff into depression. is the maga propaganda that says Canada isn't treating us fairly?
What is the maga propaganda that says Canada isn't treating us fairly?
The logistics alone for an invasion of canada would not work. War is far too costly to bring any kind of net positive to a country. It wouldn't be over quickly, a lot of people would die and the most america might get is a small increase in land thats either in the middle of nowhere or bombed to shit suburban areas once peace talks came around.Guy wants continental USA from Darien Gap at Panama's southern border, all way up to the pole through Canada, & Greenland towards the Euro shelf or whatever we call it.
Which is why they won't use force. They'll try to get us to bend over economically instead. The military they'll save for greenland.
What is the maga propaganda that says Canada isn't treating us fairly?
Such an arrogant pos. Canadians (except for most Albertans and the occasional brain-rotted Trump slurper in the other provinces), want nothing to do with Trumpistan.Polls indicated that less than 20% of Albertans wanted to join the US back in early January. Most Albertans do not want anything to do with Trump.
Polls indicated that less than 20% of Albertans wanted to join the US back in early January. Most Albertans do not want anything to do with Trump.
Trump is far more deranged and irrational than Putin. Anyone who could stop him got replaced with cultists.
There is a reason the Doomsday Clock is the closest to midnight it's ever been.
Why are you pretending the Doomsday Clock means anything?
For starters, do you also have any idea how enormous Canada is?
People IRL (as an Aussie so speaking from my social circle in Aus) keep thinking I'm exaggerating when I say Trump is actively gearing up to invade Canada.
I wish I was. Unironically by 2028 I believe that Taiwan will have been conquered by China, Canada will have a chunk annexed, Panama will have blown its canal, and the US will be ousted from the rest of the globe in the same way Russia has been except even harder.
All just in time for the world to hit 1.5C+ warming all year round! YAY!
Trump attacking Canada would trigger WW3. That's not to say he definitely won't do it but it does mean he will not have successfully annexed anything by that point since there would be a hot war going on.
Perhaps its a good time to remind him that Canada is the only nation to ever mount a successful invasion of the US in history. (Unless you count before it became the US, or count one-off terrorist attacks, of course.)Pancho Villa technically invaded New Mexico in 1916 during the Mexican Revolution.
What is the maga propaganda that says Canada isn't treating us fairly?Trump discovered that USA imports more stuff from Canada than what they export to Canada, so in his mind that is a loss.
If Trudeau and Sheinbaum do a 180, i swear to f***ing god i will throw my computer screen right out the window.It's a real possibility they do if it means Trump stops the tarrifs, nobody sane wants those to happen so if there's a way to avoid it they'll do it.
Scary part is we could take over Canada within a week.This is laughably naive. The US military couldn't even get across a landmass the size of Canada and set up the necessary infrastructure they will need in a month and you're expecting them to conquer the country in a week?
It's a real possibility they do if it means Trump stops the tarrifs, nobody sane wants those to happen so if there's a way to avoid it they'll do it.Trudeau is not going to back down.
It's a real possibility they do if it means Trump stops the tarrifs, nobody sane wants those to happen so if there's a way to avoid it they'll do it.
97% of population lives on the border if Canada didnt like america why they live so closeWeather
It's a real possibility they do if it means Trump stops the tarrifs, nobody sane wants those to happen so if there's a way to avoid it they'll do it.Canada would suffer in a trade war with the US. However, the US is going to suffer a lot more trying to ignite trade wars with every single major partner. The US will break in this before Canada or the EU do, and they know it - and if they don't, there won't be much left to trade with before long.
Trudeau is not going to back down.
This is an election year in Canada. An election *must* be called before the fall (and will likely happen sooner, once the Liberals pick their new party leader; they're in the minority, which means that the opposition parties can choose to force an election via a vote of no confidence whenever they like, something that is typically done if the polls show the opposition parties will gain seats and/or governing status) and this trade war has united Canada more or less across the political spectrum. Even many staunch conservatives are furious at the US for what is generally being perceived as an unjust and unprompted betrayal.
If Trudeau is seen to be capitulating to Trump's demands, the opposition will drop the writ immediately and the Liberals will be absolutely slaughtered at the polls (and they will deserve every bit of it). For that reason, Trudeau basically has no pathway but forward. If he can negotiate something with Trump that doesn't look like accession to US demands, he'll go for it, but you're not going to see him surrender over this.