b8 Gundam Topic [gundam] [tomino] [unicorn] [CHAR]

Board 8

Board 8 » b8 Gundam Topic [gundam] [tomino] [unicorn] [CHAR]
Ok now that I've caught up to a lot of the recent anime, I've decided put my attention back to going through Gundam stuff in preparation for Gundam RAGE.

I plan on going through these again:


I left off around episode 20 of Zeta a few weeks ago. Time to get depressed again!

Love me some McDaniel's burgers, Zeta is king.

One Piece: Pirates with style!
-= Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Espionage Action =-
I'm impressed Jerrid can even hang with Kamille. It's always amazing looking back and you realize Kamille is the best newtype and yet Jerrid actually got out of a fight alive.
I hate Char's Counterattack.

A lot.

The only certain death in the universe is Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons.
Not changing this line until I beat Seven Heroes (2/24/07)
It wasn't as satisfying as I thought it would have been. But it did put a conclusion to an epic rivalry. I do wish they translated the novel though, since I hear it's better than the movie.
CCA kicked off hilariously with spoken plot exposition between random people. They knew they had to rush the plot to get to the action, but it was ludicrously fast.

Guru in a half-shell. BlAcK TuRtLe power!
If there is one thing I know, it is that I know nothing.
I'm still not sure if this Unicorn thing involved horse-shaped Gundams.
Piloted by horses.

I still think ZZ should have been CCA.

And no, Unicorn has nothing to do with horses. That was my first thought when I heard about it. And I put off watching it until a month ago. Boy was I wrong about Gundam Unicorn >_>

Board 8 » b8 Gundam Topic [gundam] [tomino] [unicorn] [CHAR]