Karo Nuzlocks Pokemon FireRed!

Board 8

Not much to say about the gym battle other than 'Puppy used Flamethrower'. The Rocket base was much without incident other than a scary critical hit on Puppy from Giovanni's Kangaskahn that left him with 5 HP. I then proceeded to the Pokemon Tower, catching Skeletor the Cubone . Unfortunately, in keeping with the grim theme of pokemon tower, I have suffered my first loss. Chocobo the Doduo was cut down in his prime only one level away from evolution by a critical hit from a Headbutt delivered by the ghost of Cubone's Mother.
I withdraw the much inferior Bird Flu and continue onward.

R.I.P. Chocobo.

Thunderfox - Jolteon lvl 31 (Celadon City)
Puppy - Arcanine lvl 31 (Route 7)
ShellYeah! - Wartortle lvl 30 (Pallet Town)
Veggie - Vileplume lvl 30 (Route 5)
Bird Flu - Pidgeotto lvl 29 (Route 2)
Poopflingr - Primeape lvl 28 (Route 22)

Wackamole - Dugtrio lvl 27 (Diglett's Cave)
Batarang - Golbat lvl 23 (Mt. Moon)
Biter - Raticate lvl 22 (Route 1)
Skeletor - Cubone lvl 17 (Pokemon Tower)
Hulk Hogan - Machop lvl 16 (Rock Tunnel)
Bomb Squad - Voltorb lvl 16 (Route 10)
UglyAsHell - Drowzee lvl 11 (Route 11)
NyanNyan - Meowth lvl 10 (Route 6)
SNAAAAKE!! - Ekans lvl 10 (Route 4)
Angry Bird - Spearow lvl 7 (Route 3)
Magikrap - Magikarp lvl 5 (Vermilion City)

Chocobo - Doduo lvl 30 (Route 16) (Killed by Ghost Marowak)
