Karo Nuzlocks Pokemon FireRed!

Board 8

The (sort of) final battle! First up, Thunderfox fries Pidgeot. Hitler then sends out Rhydon which is destroyed by Veggie's Giga Drain. Next up it's the big boy, Alakazam. Now comes the problem. Veggie of course, can't stay in, but switching any Pokemon into a potential Psychic, a critical of which would kill any member of my team instantly. So, I make the hard choice and switch in Poopflingr, who is by far the least valuable member of my team. Now, thanks to Hitler's utterly moronic battle strategy, Poopflingr nearly defeated a f***ing ALAKAZAM. His entire strategy was to constantly use Future Sight, which failed half the time cause he already had one active. It took like 8 turns and two Full Restores on 'Zam before he finally finished off Poopflingr with a Psychic. I then send in Bird Flu to finish him off. Geez, if I knew he'd be that dumb I would have just sent out Bird Flu to start with. Could have perfected the whole damn Pokemon League.
His remaining three Pokemon all had poor matchups with one of my team members, and were dispatched easily. Hall of Fame get!
Now onto the post-game content!
As getting the National dex and the new area that go along with it requires 60 pokemon in your pokedex to access (which I am FAR short of), I will catch and immediately release afterward enough pokemon to reach the quota. First up, though, I need a new team member to replace Poopflingr. Though I'm tempted to go with BrockObama due to his raw levels, Onix is a s*** pokemon. I instead withdraw Horny Ry and teach him Earthquake.

Thunderfox - Jolteon lvl 57 (Celadon City)
ShellYeah! - Blastoise lvl 56 (Pallet Town)
Puppy - Arcanine lvl 55 (Route 7)
Bird Flu - Pidgeot lvl 55 (Route 2)
Veggie - Vileplume lvl 55 (Route 5)
Horny Ry - Rhyhorn lvl 25 (Safari Zone)

BrockObama - Onix lvl 40 (Victory Road)
Donald - Psyduck lvl 34 (Kindle Road)
Repiv - Ekans lvl 34 (Route 23)
F'nMagnets - Magneton lvl 31 (Power Plant)
Wackamole - Dugtrio lvl 27 (Diglett's Cave)
Nessie - Lapras lvl 25 (Saffron City)
Batarang - Golbat lvl 23 (Mt. Moon)
Dreamcast - Poliwhirl lvl 22 (Cape Brink)
Biter - Raticate lvl 22 (Route 1)
Salmon - Seaking lvl 20 (Berry Forest)
Kissyface - Horsea lvl 20 (Route 19)
Medusa - Tangla lvl 19 (Route 21)
Skeletor - Cubone lvl 17 (Pokemon Tower)
Hulk Hogan - Machop lvl 16 (Rock Tunnel)
Bomb Squad - Voltorb lvl 16 (Route 10)
Tribble - Venonat lvl 15 (Route 15)
UglyAsHell - Drowzee lvl 11 (Route 11)
NyanNyan - Meowth lvl 10 (Route 6)
Angry Bird - Spearow lvl 7 (Route 3)
Squishy - Tentacool lvl 5 (Route 20)
Escargot - Omanyte lvl 5 (Cinnabar Island)
Magikrap - Magikarp lvl 5 (Vermilion City)

Poopflingr - Primeape lvl 55 (Route 22) (Killed by Hitler's Alakazam)
Chocobo - Doduo lvl 30 (Route 16) (Killed by Ghost Marowak)
Phoenix - Doduo lvl 28 (Route 17) (Killed by Wild Fearow)
SNAAAAKE!! - Ekans lvl 10 (Route 4) (Killed by Sabrina's Venomoth)
