Horror Buffs, can you tie these 15 Locations to their movies?

Board 8

Board 8 » Horror Buffs, can you tie these 15 Locations to their movies?
In honor of October being my favorite month of the year (and Halloween being one of my favorite times of the year), I present a small quiz for some of you more die-hard Horror genre fans, like myself.

The quiz is not terribly difficult if you watch a lot of Horror, and some of them are quite easy even if you haven't seen many scary movies at all.

Can you name which 15 movies these 15 locations appear in? Some locations may be categorized as a group for a franchise, some are multiple groups for remakes.

1. London, England and Paris, France
2. Woodsboro, California
3. Ship Orbiting Neptune
4. Monroeville Mall and Unnamed Mall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (remake)
5. Camp Crystal Lake
6. Black Hills near Burkittsville, Maryland
7. Cuesta Verde, California
8. The Overlook Hotel
9. Freiburg im Breisgau
10. Haddonfield, Illinois
11. Blackeburg, Stockholm and Los Alamos, New Mexico (remake)
12. Springwood, Ohio
13. Shelter Mountain Inn (remake)
14. Anchorage, Alaska and United States National Science Institute Station 4 (remake)
15. Hardesty Family Homestead

Wow, I'm terrible with locations. I only know 5.

Menji~ by Ctrl-Alt-Del
Only one that I know right off the bat is Overlook Hotel. I'm sure I've seen several of the other movies and just can't think of the location.

Currently playing: Portal 2, Ocarina of Time 3D
Without actually giving it any thought, I can name 3 and 5.

Tomato king of the world.
I got 5 and 8.

One less bracket.
1. London, England and Paris, France - I think so?
2. Woodsboro, California - Of course.
3. Ship Orbiting Neptune - Not sure.
4. Monroeville Mall and Unnamed Mall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (remake) - I'm not close to positive, but I have a good educated guess
5. Camp Crystal Lake - Who can't?
6. Black Hills near Burkittsville, Maryland - Yes
7. Cuesta Verde, California - I'm 95% sure I know this one.
8. The Overlook Hotel - Yes
9. Freiburg im Breisgau - I think I will probably be the only other person here who knows this one.
10. Haddonfield, Illinois - <3 best of the "big three"
11. Blackeburg, Stockholm and Los Alamos, New Mexico (remake) - Sweden makes me lean in one very distinct way, but New Mexico throws me a bit. If my gut on the former is true, then I haven't actually seen the remake, only the original
12. Springwood, Ohio - I assume this is the third of the big three, but I can't for the life of me remember for certain.
13. Shelter Mountain Inn (remake) - If this is a remake of an Asian movie, then I think I have it.
14. Anchorage, Alaska and United States National Science Institute Station 4 (remake) - This would have been tougher last October, but I feel like most people can guess this now >_>
15. Hardesty Family Homestead - My favorite horror movie of all time. OF ALL TIME.

So I can definitely give you

2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15

fairly confident on

4, 11, 12

maybes on

1, 11, 13

no idea on 3

If you guys want to PM me your guesses, go for it. I can tell you in Topic how many you got right.

I wish. I love horror movies. I can make a guess at a bunch of those but all but a few are probably wrong.

GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
I actually find it weird that so far I'm the only one who can name #3. It's a movie I refuse to watch, but one that is burned into my memory.

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*Intelligence may not be available in all areas
You know, I actually live like 3 miles from #15... Too bad they moved the actual house from the location, I would have loved to go see it. They also filmed a lot of the other scenes down south a bit, but that area just had a pretty bad fire and I'm not even sure if the locations still exist.
I have sent a PM

I am curious to see if anyone can best me

Sophisticated ignorance, write my curses in cursive
Cokes got 12/15 right.

He missed #1, #3, and #8

1 is pretty much the easiest one. And the only one I recognize.

ph33r teh masta~!

From: Pokalicious | #014
1 is pretty much the easiest one. And the only one I recognize.

I'd argue that #5 is pretty much a gimee >_>.

I don't know #5.

ph33r teh masta~!
i am so absurdly ashamed to have gotten #8 wrong

i also would argue that my answer to #1 is correct, though it is not the answer Baku intended

mainly because his intended #1 requires two movies to complete and he said "15 movies to 15 locations"

It's the franchise thing, but I probably should have given it to you anyways simply because you included it in your answer as an afterthought lol.

tee hee

ph33r teh masta~!
jeopardy judges would have reviewed this during the break and given it to me based on ambiguous wording


Cokes as The Green Lantern, by fr0q
Yeah, alright... I'd give that to you as well I suppose. 13/15 ^_^.


CRYING . Acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon
I sent in my list. I have no clue on 6, 9, 13 and 14.

But I'm confident on all the other ones. 1, 3, and 8 I answered pretty much right away. 10 would have stumped me if I didn't just see the movie like a couple of months ago.

PM sent.

~=The most dangerous thing in the world is a bored Marine=~
Chrono scored 11/15 (missing #'s 6, 9, 13, and 14)
Raydyn scored 14/15 (missing #9)

As I suspect, #9 is definitely the hardest one of the group.

PM Sent

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
I can't say I've watched the answer for number 1.

Also, I'm upset I didn't get 13.

How do you not get 14? That was probably the most obvious in that you don't even have to have seen the movies to know it >.>;

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
Joyrock got 12/15. (missing #'s 7, 11, and 13)

The thing is I saw the movie too. And I didn't remember >.<

BakusaiTenketsu posted...
Joyrock got 12/15. (missing #'s 7, 11, and 13)

And I only got 1 thanks to Cokes >.>;

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!

From: Chrono1219 | #030
The thing is I saw the movie too. And I didn't remember >.<


Chrono1219 posted...
The thing is I saw the movie too. And I didn't remember >.<

But it's like....the ONLY movie that those could possibly apply to XD

At least I know a few horror movies involving space ships in various regions!

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
Also, I'm proud I got 9. Very proud XD

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!

From: OctilIery | #153
But it's like....the ONLY movie that those could possibly apply to XD

At least I know a few horror movies involving space ships in various regions!

Lol I almost wanted to say another movie for it... but realized it was not a remake or anything. Even though it takes place in Alaska.


I know #9 for a very random reason: The director was a special trivia category for a weekly contest I do at a pizza restaurant and I read up on his stuff.

SubDeity wants to vote for Calvin Coolidge. [Evil Republican]
Play Der Langrisser.
SubDeity went 15/15


SubDeity wants to vote for Calvin Coolidge. [Evil Republican]
Play Der Langrisser.

From: OctilIery | Posted: 10/12/2011 2:51:34 AM | #031
And I only got 1 thanks to Cokes

I honestly took a S.W.A.G. on 1. Also, I'm curious what the f*** #9 is.

Best FPS of all time...
Decided to make another 15 if anyone wants to give it a go. Again, some are harder than others... some are kind of tricky.


16. Acheron
17. Gatlin, Nebraska
18. Volée Airlines Flight 180
19. Ogden Marsh, Iowa
20. Barrow, Alaska
21. Perfection, Nevada
22. Stanley Hall, Pendleton University
23. Museum of the Strange
24. Ambrose, Louisiana
25. Santa Mira, California
26. Village near Bratislava, Slovakia
27. Food Stand on the Bank of the Han River
28. Prison Asteroid then a small Kansas Town
29. Barcelona Fire Department and Apartment
30. Crater near Halls Creek

The only one of those recognize straight out is #21

Go ahead and send your PMs for the Extra Credit, though they won't get graded until I wake up in the morning.

I won't bother sending one in until tomorrow afternoon, I'm heading to sleep myself.


RayDyn posted...
From: OctilIery | Posted: 10/12/2011 2:51:34 AM | #031
And I only got 1 thanks to Cokes
I honestly took a S.W.A.G. on 1. Also, I'm curious what the f*** #9 is.

I wasn't sure on 9, but it was literally the only major horror movie I know set in Germany so I took a swing at it.

Also, PM sent.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
Joyrock got 10/15 on the extra credit. (missing #'s 19, 20, 23, 24, and 29)

Without looking at other guesses.

-Oops, just sent a PM instead.

"Ahem! There is *sand* on my *boot*!"--Kefka
Black Turtle beat me, Yesmar in the Fall 2010 Guru Contest!
LOLContests got 13/15 on the first 15. (missing #'s 7 and 9)

LOLContests got 7/15 on the Extra Credit. (missing #'s 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, and 30)

Board 8 » Horror Buffs, can you tie these 15 Locations to their movies?