Info on Final Battles

Board 8

Ngamer64 posted...
Mershaaay posted...
Dear SBAllen,

This is literally the only way to make an exciting contest in the future:

Best Game Ever III: Best Game By System

16 systems, 16 games per system

-All handhelds
-Other (not released on any of the above)

Winner of each advances to the tourney proper... the final 4 may be predictable but you can't tell me you think the winners of every round would be easy to predict!

Dear SB,

Please ignore that person. Forcing games to start out competing against only their own generation/system yet again would be the worst idea possible- we already tried that in both 2004 and 2009, with really dull results.

All the next 1v1 128 Game Contest needs is to be run just like Game of the Decade, but also include the best games of the 80s and 90s together with the big games of the last two years, NOT divided by generation or system. If you also remove the Champions of the previous 3 games contests, it'll be really exciting and unpredictable right down to the final round.

Thanks SB!

Your pal,

No, because the games will not just be split by era, but by DEVELOPER essentially. That way Nintendo can be pushed into its own little crappy corner and we can see more interesting matches in the others.

SephirothG , channeling awesomeness from Mershiness .
The Resurrection