Oscar/Academy Award Nominees Announced

Board 8

Tintin was an inevitable snub because as said, motion-capture isn't counted as animation for the Oscars. Which is pretty stupid really, but nothing worth complaining about because that's how it's always been and they're probably not going to change it. We should have seen it coming.

Now a real Best Animated Picture snub is Arietty.

The good news, however, is that it looks like Rango is a lock to win, and it deserves that.

But you know what people need to be hyped about? Gary Oldman got nominated, especially after it seeming like he would get snubbed. And he just might win.

Edit: I do think the Best Picture category is rather poor though, especially after two years of 10 well-deserved nominations, even if the most oscar-bait in each won. There are only two films there that strike me as particularly deserving of the nomination: The Artist and Hugo. Where's Drive? Where's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? Even more mainstream stuff like say, Planet of the Apes is a lot more nomination-worthy than something like The Help. We've gone back to how it was a few years ago when the nomination list is populated mainly be oscar-bait and snubs a lot of the actual best films of the year.

Something something something
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