So, how long untilt he internet starts trolling Kickstarter?

Board 8

Board 8 » So, how long untilt he internet starts trolling Kickstarter?
I can see a group like Anonymous giving some Joe Random guy's kickstarter 3 million in ten minutes, and then slowly removing it all throughout the rest of the 30 days to break his poor heart

can you donate and take back your money

XS2 is the only good Xenosaga game - Lady Ashe
90% sure you can because once a project I backed did an update that changed things a little and said they wanted to let everyone know in case anyone wanted to back out. Never actually checked though, but it'd be silly if you couldn't.

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can you donate and take back your money

Of course. I have a friend that has an online business, and he says chargebacks are a huge problem for him. I could see the chargeback system being abused.

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou
you don't actually give your money unless the entire thing gets funded.

Right, but it keeps track of the money pledged as it goes. So they can pledge 3 mil right away and then slowly pull it all back. That would be a pretty good troll I must say

What would be the point of that? Then again you could say that about most trollin'.

One Piece: Pirates with style!
-= Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Espionage Action =-
Who marked my post?!
Yeah, what's the point of 90% of internet trolling if not to wreck some guys day. Plus they might even do some financial damage for the lulz if the dude started investing the cash with his own money before he actually got any of it.

Well if they pledge 3 mil... unless it is asking for more than 3 mil, the kickstarter succeeded and they have to pay, right? Or does it only charge at the end of the time limit?

Even in that case, they just brought a whole ton of publicity to this one kickstarter, so they are directly helping it regardless.

'but that statement is something only an Aspergers patient would say' - UltimaterializerX
So why do you like this idea again?

One Piece: Pirates with style!
-= Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Espionage Action =-
They only charge at the end of the 30 days, not when it hits its amount.

I don't like the idea so much as I think it'll be funny when this finally happens, because I can't imagine the internet as it is not eventually doing something like this

Board 8 » So, how long untilt he internet starts trolling Kickstarter?