Video Game Characters Most Appearances: Day 14

Board 8

Which of these characters is your favorite?

Trying out a new series as a sort of sequel to my Comics Characters Most Appearances poll series. Let's see how it goes!

The list is according to Giantbomb, seen here:

Some ground rules:
1. Characters must originate from a video game, no Goku, Batman, Spider-Man, etc.
2. Matches last 24 hours or so

Day 1: Sonic the Hedgehog (2nd: Luigi)
Day 2: Knuckles (2nd: Chun-Li)
Day 3: Mega Man (2nd: Link)
Day 4: Waluigi (2nd: Guile)
Day 5: Dr. Wily (2nd: Kim Kaphwan)
Day 6: Zero (Tied: Kirby)
Day 7: Shaquille O'Neal (2nd: The Undertaker)
Day 8: Solid Snake (2nd: Samus Aran/Zelda)
Day 9: Vega (2nd: Geese Howard/Mewtwo)
Day 10: Proto Man (2nd: Balrog)
Day 11: Ganon (2nd: E. Honda)
Day 12: Scorpion (2nd: Morrigan Aensland)
Day 13: Cloud Strife (Tied: Cream the Rabbit)

Happy voting!