Am I the only person here incredibly excited aboot Crash N Sane Trilogy?

Board 8

Board 8 » Am I the only person here incredibly excited aboot Crash N Sane Trilogy?
It's going to be game of the year for anyone with taste
Maybe if it had come out last year.
There's always hope for better things in life. But you can't let anything, friend, lover,God himself,be your hope. You have to be your own hope
I am hype!
"The people who play Final Fantasy 7 actually have lives and dont NEED polls" ~MajinUltima
Now owned by DpOblivion .
Most likely will be picking it up once it comes out. Apprently, they added time trials (relics) to the first two games, too.
If you reading this, I'd like to wish you a good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
how is that unfortunate? It makes it better
rammtay posted...
how is that unfortunate? It makes it better

Was this directed to me? If so, I never indicated that the addition of relics is a bad thing.
If you reading this, I'd like to wish you a good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
If it included CTR maybe
2 + 2 = 4
I'm mainly buying it in hopes that it will sell well enough so that they'll remaster Spyro as well.
Suddenly, Mudkips. Thousands of them. (preferably OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Congrats to DpObliVion , 2015 Guru champ.
a leak for E3 looks like a CTR remake in the works.
Probably not though
Dragon66116 posted...
I'm mainly buying it in hopes that it will sell well enough so that they'll remaster Spyro as well.

yes. I want this so much
I'm skeptical. I'd like this to be good, but there's a strong chance they only focus on graphics and ruin the magic of the originals.
Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
I saw some guy playing through that upstream level and he was totally using classic Crash veteran gameplay, I think we're good here
Crash 1 is so bad though, I hope they revamp it to be more like 2 and 3
Got it paid off!
124 Gurus were better than me in BGE 2015 contest! But the best of all was DpObliVion! Congrats!
crash 1 isn't bad at all. It's just hard as ****

Can't wait.
never played 1 but have a lot of nostalgia for 2 and warped so I'm looking forward to this
I played the hell out of the original games as a kid, just don't know if I care enough about Crash these days.
Fighting the good fight across the Harlan County Line - -
You must support it.
Spyro trilogy remake if so
Also, the best Kart racer ever, CTR
Board 8 » Am I the only person here incredibly excited aboot Crash N Sane Trilogy?