How much do you enjoy your current job?

Board 8

I love my job. I don't really get paid what I'm worth but I answer to no one and the people I care for actually appreciate the time I dedicate to them. (I average 50-60 hours a week and up to and over 100 in some cases)

Basically I care for 18 mentally and physically disabled individuals on a regular basis and offer both facility and in home support additionally for my company. (based on need & request)

I did retail for close to 20 years and I'll never look back. It didn't matter how much you bled for a company, they'd always "expect" more out of you and hardly ever thanked me for the profits they reaped on my laborious behalf. F*** them to hell.

Anyway, It's likely that I'll be doing what I do now for the rest of my life (I've actually been working for my company for close to 10 years now.)
"Best read of the game goes to se7en. Who correctly surmised this town is full of idiots." - Corrik