Which of the last trilogy lucas star wars movies did you like the best?

Board 8

ROTS really showed off the fact that the actors weren't actually bad in the slightest - the problem was the directors (and Lucas) forcing them to say cringey lines in a cringey way. Just look at any scene where Christensen has to act with his face instead of his voice.

Unfortunately, the biggest problem with executive meddling behind the scenes is that, publicly, the actors take the fall for the lot they were given, and the bad executives get to go on being bad with no repercussions.

If anything, the biggest problem with the Prequel Trilogy over the Original Trilogy is that the actors didn't have as much ground to stand on when it came to challenging Lucas, due to the more total control he had over the show - not to mention I believe Lucas divorced, and his wife was a big reason for the Original Trilogy's quality in the first place.
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