Which of the last trilogy lucas star wars movies did you like the best?

Board 8

I actually think Attack of the Clones is the best one, or at least the least bad one, mostly by virtue of being the most harmless. I actually kind of like the part of the plot where Obi-wan is traveling around to different places trying to uncover a plot, it's different and sort of intriguing - all of the scenes that take place on that rainy clone facility planet actually feel like they might come out of a good movie, that place has a cool environment, the plot stuff there is interesting (I like that Obi-wan pretends to know what's going on in order to learn more about it - that's clever), and the fight with Jango Fett that ensues is one of the better action scenes in the trilogy, since it feels an actual, real struggle as opposed to a stupid choreographed lightsaber fight. I think the scene in the arena is pretty memorable too, and... the rest of the movie sucks, especially the drawn-out climax of the movie, and the romance scenes are terrible, but they aren't really any worse than anything the other two movies do. But there's enough memorable high notes for me to almost pretend that it's a good film for a few fleeting moments.

Revenge of the Sith has absolutely cringeworthy character motivations that completely ruin any sense of intrigue or mystique that Darth Vader's origin story might have had, nothing anyone does in that movie makes any fucking sense, and the melodrama and overacting it just absolutely oppressive. The plot involving Grievous is complete filler of the worst kind, and the lightsaber duel between Anakin and Obi-wan is drawn out 10 minutes longer than necessary and has no sense of weight to it whatsoever because it's just so over the top and stupid. The only redeeming thing about it is how great Palpatine is. It's a bad sign that I feel like I'm rooting for him throughout the entire movie because he's the only cool character.

The Phantom Menace still manages to be the worst one somehow. I hate every fucking thing about that movie. There are no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Don't say podracing. I hate the podracing scene. I hate everything about that movie.