Which of the last trilogy lucas star wars movies did you like the best?

Board 8

Episode 1 kinda jumps all over the place, and honestly I'm still not entirely sure what the plot to this movie even is. It's just like a series of random events that reaches an end point eventually. Has some cool lightsaber dance scenes towards the end, probably the coolest of the set, but honestly feels like a gratuitous CGI fest for the most part.

Episode 2 is probably the most coherent of the movies, but good god is it boring and the Padme/Anakin stuff is easily some of the most cringe stuff in cinema. Worst of the three and easily, though I think if you had an edit of it that cut off the 90% of Padme/Anakin stuff that wasn't terribly relevant to the plot and just followed Obi Wan around most of the time this could actually be the best of the three, cause it's kinda night and day on the quality of the two subplots.

Episode 3 has a lot of action and awesome cheesemongering, just enough of a cohesive plot that I know what was going on there, and manages to kinda cheat its way into making you almost halfway care about the characters due to having been with them for 2-3 movies now. It's the best of the three and a watchable movie, but still not really all that good. It's on par with TFA though.

3 >> 1 >> 2 I think. Strangely I can almost respect thinking AotC is the best more than Phantom Menace, because I feel like it's possible for AotC to be a good movie by cutting the runtime in half and it's not really possible for Phantom Menace to be one.
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