Scarlet and Ed's really cool comics topic

Board 8

Finished my comics read for the week!

The Good:

-The Wild Storm #9: Yet another fantastic issue in this underrated little gem of a series. It's short, so if you enjoy that Warren Ellis style of comics, pick it up.

-Aquaman #30: Another great issue. Abnett is doing fantastic without Lanning hanging on to his coattails.

-Dark Nights: The Batman Who Laughs #1: I enjoyed the premise and the execution, although I feel like a one-shot did a bit of a disservice to this story; it needed more time to grow and expand, much like the old Flashpoint three-issue minis.

-Injustice 2 #14: I like the concept of Injustice, but I'm not a fan of the execution. That said, this issue threw a spotlight on Blue Beetle and Booster Gold for a brief moment, and I'll take anything I can get when it comes to those two.

-Superman #35: I'm interested in seeing where this family trip to Apokolips is going to take the story; I imagine it could have some rippling repercussions across the DCU.

The Meh:

-Nightwing #33: I didn't need Raptor to get a revenge. Honestly, I didn't need Raptor, but here we are. Nightwing feels like it used to be fun to read, but that was a distant memory. I'm hoping we get a new status quo soon that allows interesting stories to be told again.

The Bad:

-Batman #35: Really the first bad issue in a long, long time. If this is what we can expect from the Mrs. Batman's story arcs, then I'm avidly opposed.

-Justice League #33: There was some really, really bad dialogue in this issue, and it focused completely on Cyborg, the resident killer of fun in the League. Easily the worst tie-in to the Dark Nights story so far. Get this trash out of the Justice League.

Planning to read The Killing Joke when I have a few free minutes and review that.

Other good comics this week: East of West, Mighty Thor
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer