Scarlet and Ed's really cool comics topic

Board 8

My Current Pulls:

Batman - Tom King is great. I have a soft spot for Snyder since his Batman is what got me into comics, but King's quality has been consistent. There are some arcs I've loved more than others, but I don't think there were any I outright disliked (other than Night of the Monster Men). Also I know it's become kind of a meme at this point, but the first Kite-Man story in #27 might be my favourite single issue of a comic.

Metal - I'm at the point now where I'll likely buy anything Snyder writes (I should probably read Wytches). As I mentioned, there are still parts of it that I don't fully understand, and some of the tie-ins (Bats out of Hell) haven't been great, but overall I'm having a good time.

Deathstroke - This was my favourite book for a little while. I think the change from bi-weekly to monthly hurt it a bit, but Priest is great. I'm incredibly excited to see him on Justice League.

Detective Comics - This was the best Rebirth book for a long time, in my opinion. I'm really liking the team dynamic going on, and the ending of the last arc was perfect.

The Flash - I'm only really still pulling this and JL because it's the Flash and JL. This isn't as bad as Justice League, but it's been really hit or miss. I'm not sure how I feel about Williamson.

Hellblazer - I desperately want a good John Constantine book. Seeley's arc was awesome, and despite the mediocre quality otherwise, I'm still enjoying it.

Justice League - This book has been bad. So bad. Likely the worst Rebirth book out there. I dislike Hitch as both a writer and an artist, and I'm so glad he's finally off this book. It can't get any worse, but I have faith in Priest to make it actually good.

Mister Miracle - I understand approximately 8% of what's going on in the book, but it's still awesome. I was a little lukewarm on the art at first but it's grown on me. The last issue in particular has been the high point.

Nightwing - It sucks to see Seeley finally go from Nightwing. Dick is my favourite character in the DC universe, so I'm really hoping the next writer does well. I do think that Seeley was kind of running out of things to do though, so hopefully we get something new and exciting.

Suicide Squad - I'm a sucker for team books. I've enjoyed most of the arcs here but it's nothing special.

Titans - Similar to Suicide Squad, with less overall enjoyment. At least it has Nightwing.
Congrats BKSheikah, BYIG Guru champion!