The Great 2017 Video Game Challenge: One Week Left!

Board 8

Robazoid posted...
A new year approaches! This is the list for next year unless anyone jumps in to argue against it now. Only changes were the obvious ones to 4/5 and I doubled 47 along with changing the wording to make it clearer.

I don't mind doing the work of adding this to a google doc spreadsheet but I honestly don't know how to create such a spreadsheet in the first place (I've never really used google docs and someone created one for me last year) so I'll try to figure that out later today.


Years (5)

1. Beat a game released before 1990
2. Beat a game released between 1990-1999
3. Beat a game released between 2000-2009
4. Beat a game released between 2010-2017
5. Beat a game released in 2018

Series (4)
6. Beat a game in a completely new series
7. Beat a game in a series you've already played some of
8. Beat a spin-off or a game that rebooted a franchise
9. Beat a remake or enhanced port

Creators (3)
10. Beat a game made by a director/composer/artist/etc that you like
11. Beat a game made by a developer you like
12. Beat a game made by a developer you've never tried

Genres (11)
13. Beat a WRPG
14. Beat a JRPG
15. Beat a puzzle game
16. Beat a rhythm game
17. Beat a first-person shooter
18. Beat a third-person shooter
19. Beat a platformer
20. Beat an action game
21. Beat a strategy game
22. Beat a fighting game
23. Beat a sports game

Themes (6)
24. Beat a game with romance as a central theme
25. Beat a game with horror as a central theme
26. Beat a game with revenge as a central theme
27. Beat a game with mystery as a central theme
28. Beat a game with the supernatural as a central theme
29. Beat a game with comedy as a central theme

Demographics (6)
30. Beat a game with a female lead
31. Beat a game with a child lead
32. Beat a game with a non-white lead
33. Beat a game with a robot/artificial lead
34. Beat a game with an animal lead
35. Beat a game with a lead that's from a fictional species

Time (5)
36. Replay a game from a long time ago
37. Beat a game that's been in your backlog for a long time
38. Beat a game you'd dropped or had a long hold on
39. Finish a game in one day
40. Finish a game that took you at least twenty-five hours to beat

Stats (3)
41. Beat a game with a Metascore below 70
42. Beat a game with a Metascore above 90
43. Beat another user's favorite game

Adaptation (3)
44. Beat a game based on licensed stories/characters
45. Beat a game that's been adapted into another medium
46. Beat a game that features historical events or people

Miscellaneous (4)
47. Play a technically unbeatable game for at least six hours
48. Beat a game that starts with the first letter of your username
49. Choose a random page on TVTropes and beat something from the video game section
50-52. Beat three games in a series

I know how. I'll create one and share it with you. Just PM me your e-mail.
"Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything, let alone yourself"- Vergil