Found a German Cockroach in my Kitchen garbage can today.

Board 8

Board 8 » Found a German Cockroach in my Kitchen garbage can today.
Yay... :(
How could you tell? Tiny Lederhosen?
Caught it in Tupperware and took it to the local entomological executioners. They identified it, and I now have a guy coming to blast my house tomorrow.

The good news is that they are apparently super common, and if you find them early, they aren't that big a deal.

Still, just thinking of roaches in my dwelling is enough to cause nausea.
Pest control is a pain in the ass. Remember my bedbug adventure? I haven't slept the same since...
BlueCrystalTear | GNT BB4 Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner
3DS 4356-4163-4781 X/M: Natalie AS: Allie | You're living your own life. You're you.
BlueCrystalTear posted...
Pest control is a pain in the ass. Remember my bedbug adventure? I haven't slept the same since...

You aren't sleeping tight?
Bells, bells, bells!
TomNook posted...
BlueCrystalTear posted...
Pest control is a pain in the ass. Remember my bedbug adventure? I haven't slept the same since...

You aren't sleeping tight?

I am now that the bedbugs don't bite.

But it's still not as well as before I got the cretins >_>
BlueCrystalTear | GNT BB4 Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner
3DS 4356-4163-4781 X/M: Natalie AS: Allie | You're living your own life. You're you.
Yeah it takes awhile to get over the psychological feeling that there is something crawling on you after bedbugs even if you know they're gone. It sucked when I had them.

Also hopefully you caught the german roaches early, knew someone that didn't catch them early and they were a huge pain to get rid of that took almost a year and near daily cleaning for that time period.
Where do you guys live. You always have these insect infestations. How often do you clean your apartments/houses people.
User ID: 4002777
5tarscream posted...
Where do you guys live. You always have these insect infestations. How often do you clean your apartments/houses people.

Bed bugs don't have anything to do with being clean or dirty. It's a common misconception. They generally get brought in by other people, and can be anywhere.

German cockroaches do stick around because of food though. But likewise, generally are only brought in by other people unless you're really unlucky.
After having bed bugs, you will welcome roaches and spiders with open arms. I actually stopped killing spiders that invade my home and just let them do their thing unless they're on top of me.
They're easy to get rid of. Just put a Polish flag on your neighbor's property.
Yeah, I think I caught it early. I cleaned out all my cabinets and haven't seen more than the one that was in my garbage. The exterminator is still going to come over and spray just to be cautious, but I think I might be in the clear.

As tcaz said, it's not about maintaining cleanliness. Cockroaches and many other pests are usually brought into your home by other means, and then they decide to stay if they find a good place to nest with a sustainable food source. Seems like the most common ways for them to get in are through parcels, or if you just recently had furniture or appliances put into your home. I order through Amazon all the time, and I just bought some new couches, so either could have been the culprit, or it could have been something else entirely. Just glad I haven't seen anything to suggest it's been a long time problem yet.
tcaz2 posted...
5tarscream posted...
Where do you guys live. You always have these insect infestations. How often do you clean your apartments/houses people.

Bed bugs don't have anything to do with being clean or dirty. It's a common misconception. They generally get brought in by other people, and can be anywhere.

German cockroaches do stick around because of food though. But likewise, generally are only brought in by other people unless you're really unlucky.

I find it hard to believe that people are just bringing in German cockroaches on them unless you are friends with some very unsanitary people.
Don't mind me. I'm just here for the contest.
The bedbugs had been there longer than I'd have liked, but those damn things are so good at hiding that it's not an easy problem to spot. I still have no clue how they got there, but it definitely had nothing to do with me neglecting to clean the place. That has no correlation whatsoever. Bedbugs feed on human blood, so all they need is a warm body. You could have the cleanest place in the world and still get bedbugs.

The exterminator said that he had a back-and-forth between two places where one idiot tenant was bringing the monsters back and forth between his apartment and his friend's, so they never went away and continued to replicate at both places due to his carelessness. That's how they move. I could have gotten them from a package, I could have brought them home from the bus, I could have brought them home in my suitcase on my trip to Seattle last May, etc. As long as I smited them all and didn't drag any elsewhere, I should be good...

Roaches sticking around are more the result of a mess, but they have to get there first. If you consume most of your food and ensure any rinds or forgotten leftovers get through the garbage in a few days, they might go check out your neighbor's instead. MIGHT. That's the only way I can see roaches coming in because of negligent disposal habits.
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
guffguy89 posted...
tcaz2 posted...
5tarscream posted...
Where do you guys live. You always have these insect infestations. How often do you clean your apartments/houses people.

Bed bugs don't have anything to do with being clean or dirty. It's a common misconception. They generally get brought in by other people, and can be anywhere.

German cockroaches do stick around because of food though. But likewise, generally are only brought in by other people unless you're really unlucky.

I find it hard to believe that people are just bringing in German cockroaches on them unless you are friends with some very unsanitary people.

When I lived in Vegas, cockroaches were just everywhere in general. Like go outside at night and there's a good chance you'll see them just walking around on the sidewalk. Even outside the nicely landscaped hotels. Spraying the home defense stuff around the perimeter of our house and inside the garage kept the vast majority of them out, but still every now and then one would manage to make it inside.

And then there were the crickets...
BK_Sheikah ? More like BYIG_Sheikah. - Number of people that D'awwed: 102
mnkboy907 posted...
When I lived in Vegas, cockroaches were just everywhere in general. Like go outside at night and there's a good chance you'll see them just walking around on the sidewalk. Even outside the nicely landscaped hotels. Spraying the home defense stuff around the perimeter of our house and inside the garage kept the vast majority of them out, but still every now and then one would manage to make it inside.

Those are usually American cockroaches and its pretty hard to get an actual infestation of those in a house because they tend to live outside. It's possible, but way less common.

guffguy89 posted...
I find it hard to believe that people are just bringing in German cockroaches on them unless you are friends with some very unsanitary people.

It's not usually full roaches that get brought in but someone brings in some box or clothes or something with eggs in them, which then hatch and make their way into cracks in walls, behind dishwashers (they LOVE dishwashers), etc to lay more.
I did hear once that stamping on a roach can cause you to pick the eggs up on your shoes and transport them. Roaches are gross. Hope you get rid of them.
User ID: 4002777
Board 8 » Found a German Cockroach in my Kitchen garbage can today.