Olympians are HORRIFIED seeing DOG MEAT being Sold in South Korea!!!!

Board 8

Would you eat Dog?

Almost ALL of the dog meat restaurants in PyeongChang at the Winter Olympics have disregarded a government request to STOP serving DOG!!

South Koreans believe consuming one million dogs a year is a summertime delicacy as the greasy red meat is boiled for tenderness and it increases energy and health

But activists launched campaigns to ban dog consumption with online petitions urging boycotts of the games over it ...

Local authorities asked the 12 dog meat restaurants to stop serving the food in exchange for subsidies but only 2 complied.

A government official said that they faced complaints from the operators stating it threatens their livelihood if they did that and some initially shifted to selling pork instead of dog but sales plunged sharply and went back to dog

Signs advertising dog meat such as boshintang (health boosting soup), yeongyangtang (nutrient soup) or sacheoltang (year round soup) have been replaced with yeomsotang (goat soup) to avoid giving a bad impression to foreigners..

Dog meat is officially "detestable" by Seoul, as is snake but it has no legal ramifications

South Korea tried hard to persuade them to change their menus as most see dogs as pets instead of livestock

Olympians were HORRIFIED with what they say as many are campaigning to stop the dog meat trade and ADOPTING dogs

Would you eat Dog? let's see if people would




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