American FEMALE FOOTBALL Team is SLAMMED for their SLUTTY PICS!! Is it????

Board 8

Do you think these recruitment pictures are slutty?

The All American 7 Female and Ugly Football team in RUSSIA are SLAMMED for posting pictures of the team that was deemed SLUTTY and PORNOGRAPHIC!!...

The Vladivostok Orcas posted in their underwear trying to "recruit" new girls to the team and with the message "Every day we fight. We fight not just with each other but with public opinion. We rip up not only each other's T-shirts, but publicly accepted and acclaimed beauty standards. We believe that American football is beautiful. We support each other, we cry and laugh together...join us"

After recruiting only 10 new members, they have been accused of "defeminising" women by outraged internet users

One user said "This is a complete degradation of taste and ethics. They downgrade the classical image of a female"

Another said "It looks more like pornography"

Another said "They look nothing like American football! I live in America and go watch it every year. I don't even know how to name this cheap art!"

They have denied that they are defemising women and hit back at their critics as they asid "We expected people to get interested, but we did not expect such an effort as this one. The goal was to recruit new girls into the team, to show we are not different then other girls and that we exist"

Do you think these pictures are slutty? let's see what people think

The Ugly American Team -
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