Fix This Game Day 7: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Board 8

I hate hate hate the idea of guaranteed loot spawns on dropping. It's even worse than RNG loot - it's just a matter of who runs to that spot and picked up the gun first.

I'd be okay with guaranteed loot spawns if it was somewhere you couldn't drop, or maybe if it was added later and broadcast so everyone nearby knows about it. Making it a mid game objective for teams to decide "okay, let's head to Mylta Power for lvl 3 helmets" and possibly compete against other teams heading there for the same thing sounds awesome. But everyone just dropping there to get lvl3 helmets immediately would be awful.

Crate drops kind of fill this role already but I think theres more room in that space
Cly at Work
So more power to North Korea for this one. Good show. - MWC