Fix This Game Day 7: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Board 8

Minor fixes:
1. Smaller area like people have said
2. Far more cover in that smaller area... being forced through a field and sniped is so dumb
3. More frequent cars would help with 1 and 2 as well, but the cars need to not be totally shit death machines
4. More health packs so small early damage doesn't screw you so hard through the rest of the game

KEY FIX: Reduce randomness of circles. The circle nearly single-handedly decides the winners anytime after the early game. There are great and fair choices to make during the boring initial gearing phase, but after that it's all massive RNG due to the circle. Make it so you can place beacons or complete an objective or something to influence where the circle will end up, so there's some actual strategy in the mid-game and some investment you can make to protect yourself for the end-game. Fortnite's building is a great example of mid-game investment for late game, but it's way too complicated and is still mostly RNG (though I think they added a new mode that is less RNG). PUBG should be able to figure out an RNG-dampening thing like that but which maintains its simplicity vs Fortnite.
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