Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 185: A Spring of Sequels

Board 8

Anime completed in February 2013: (20)

Hellsing Ultimate (rated with 9)
Nodame Cantabile (rated with 8)
Minami-ke Okawari (rated with 5)
Nodame Cantabile Special (rated with 6)
Nodame Cantabile: Paris-hen (rated with 7)
Minami-ke Okaeri (rated with 5)
Sengoku Basara (rated with 8)
Nodame Cantabile Finale (rated with 7)
Minami-ke Betsubara (rated with 5)
Nodame Cantabile OVA (rated with 7)
Sengoku Basara Two (rated with 8)
Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu (rated with 8)
Nodame Cantabile Finale Special (rated with 7)
Nodame Cantabile OVA 2 (rated with 7)
K-On! Movie (rated with 10)
Fate/Zero (rated with 9)
Fate/Zero 2nd Season (rated with 8)
Fate/Zero: Onegai! Einzbern Soudanshitsu (rated with 7)
One Off (rated with 6)
Nekomonogatari: Kuro (rated with 10)
2 line break(s), 160 characters allowed