paulg Ranks The User-Nominated Wrestler Themes (The Ranking Itself)

Board 8

This write-up took much longer to complete than it warranted.

104. RVD - The Whole F'n Show!

This project was probably the first time I've ever listened to the song from start to finish. I wasn't watching TNA at this time, but after hearing negative things about this song over the years, I got curious a couple of years back and checked it out, and completely understood in a matter of seconds why this was garbage and clicked the back button about less than a minute in.

Hope you like the same 6 second guitar riff playing in continuous loop over and over again, because that's the entire song's tune in a nutshell. This wouldn't be as bad if this was just the intro to the song and then it builds to something more exciting or intense, but instead it's Rinse, lather, repeat.

I would say the vocals could've salvaged the song if they were good, but that would be a lie because the tune is so bad that it's beyond rescuing. Instead, the vocals might be even worse. Aside from the same four (two) lines of chorus being hammered into your brain every 13 seconds 8 or so times throughout the song, the lyrics in the verse are even lazier. Take a look at some of these;

A chair shot straight to your brain
Straight to your skull crack!
You can't stop the chair to your brain
Straight to your skull crack!

I will fly high
5 Stars Frog Splash
You can't stop me
Five Stars Splash

It's like they couldn't be arsed to think of good lines when making this song and went "Screw it, just repeat some of these, maybe switch out part of the original line with "You can't stop..."

It's all about the Yin and the Yang
The balance to power, the sin
You can't stop the Yin and the Yang
The balance to power, the sin

Then there is the self-insertion of the band's name in one of the verses. I don't mind artists dropping their names into songs that much, but not when it's lazily added in.

Van Damninator
Van Terminator
Van Crushinator*
Van Assassinator!

*The band's name is Kushinator, but it sounds so similar that I'm jumping to my own conclusion.

There is nothing good about this song. At least with the themes coming up, I'm either able to find SOMETHING to like about them or understand the reason why they're bad. This is the best TNA can come up with one of their biggest stars at the time? It is no wonder that company fell as hard as they did.

Question #1 - What is your least favorite entrance theme?
PaulG235 | "But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant."
This line is currently being vacanted by supreme Guru BKSheikah