paulg Ranks The User-Nominated Wrestler Themes (The Ranking Itself)

Board 8

95. Sting - Seek and Destroy

I have a hard time listening to songs much longer than 5 minutes in general if they don't keep me invested (unless I have them on as background music to something I am doing to which I'm not really paying attention to the music to begin with). Same with movies that run longer than about 2 hours and 45 minutes.

I say this because Seek & Destroy is one of those songs that plays on for too long for my liking and am just waiting it to end. Metallica has made some great songs (one that has yet to be ranked on here) but this isn't one of them.

One last note is I had trouble identifying some of the lyrics until I looked them up. I kept mishearing "searching" as "Sooty", which made me think of this;

Question #10 - What is your favorite Sting theme?
PaulG235 | "But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant."
This line is currently being vacanted by supreme Guru BKSheikah