Finished 12 Monkeys (TV) and it's probably my favorite show of the past 20 years

Board 8

Yeah I guess the binge style was half the problem now that I think about it. Instead of giving the season like 3 months to fully expand and digest I'm watching it over the course of like a week or two because of the way they released it, which hurts two-fold in that it wasn't on my mind for as long a period of time and also because there ends up being more time between the end of the season and the beginning of the next even if it's reliably released on time because the last season ended earlier.

I kinda noticed this happened with Stranger Things for me too. I loved the first season and I just couldn't get into the second one.

That being said that I liked it enough to push through the mangled release really says something about the series. Lesser series have all but died to me because of that. I wasn't able to watch the last set of 3 immediately after it aired like I was for the other sets of 3 but now I'm more hyped to watch it.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!