Gauntlet Crew Ranks Animated TV Show Movies

Board 8

GenesisSaga posted...
StifledSilence posted...
Instead of floom, how about flume? I like log flumes.

Only if we can send my bottom 8 movies up in flumes.

I think my biggest issue with this movie wasn't even the abysmal soundtrack and voice acting despite several A- and B-list caneos or the blatant marketing of the new PONY PARADISE PLAYHOUSE (tm)! No, to me the biggest flaw I had was how when some of the ponies got sludged they would shit on the pony called Shady when she didn't even do anything. I mean shitting on Lickety Split is one thing because she did ruin the show that a lot of ponies worked really hard on by improvising a "spotlight-stealing" dance, but WHAT THE FUCK DID SHADY DO TO DESERVE THE CONSTANT DERISION OF HER SO-CALLED FRIENDS!?

I don't think any of them even apologized after they got un-sludged. What kind of lesson are kids supposed to take away from that kind of behavior? Sure, be a dick to your friend, little Suzie! Megan is just a basic bitch anyway so it's okay to shit on her like everybody else does. *Two weeks later.* Oh she overdosed on Xanax? Welp. Basic bitch had it coming.

Shady probably nominated Lenne in the My Little Pony: Save My Final Fantasy Character Contest.
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.