Gauntlet Crew Ranks Animated TV Show Movies

Board 8

Charon: So explain again how this universe works? Animals are basically people, yet they still get adopted by people all the same? Why do the more grown up characters wear clothing but the younger ones don't and still act more like regular dogs? Regardless, all of these characters should stay as four legged dogs because they're all bad. Cooler is a terrible leader who fails at nearly everything throughout the entire movie and Howler is one of the most annoying characters I've ever come across. The music here is pretty annoying and downright bad at times. This is just nonsense that offers nothing of any quality.

Inviso: Yeah, I cannot think of a single positive to this film. The musical style being that of the 1950s swing/doo wop was annoying, because the songs were bad especially corny and bad. The plot is fucking awful, because it starts off by equating Excalibur, which most people know about, with a new thing called the Bone of Scone (stupid name, by the way). But the only power the bone has is the ability to let dogs speak to humans? Yet for some reason, the big bad villain of the movie believes that obtaining the bone will allow him to take over the world? Likewhat? You cant fucking go the underpants gnome route of 1. Steal Bone, 2. ???, 3. Profit! Finally, Im a furry, and theres something super fucked up to me about the anthropomorphization of child animals. Like, Road Rovers, Swat Catsfine. Theyre adults. But its fucking CREEPY when the characters are supposed to be children, like in this instance. It just brings back too many memories of the worst aspects of the furry fandom to enjoy.

Snake: One of the most irritating, idiotic, and insufferable films Ive ever watched. Id rather watch Trolls and Bebes Kids back-to-back than ever again see a single frame of animation from this cheap-ass rush job. A seriously worthless film.

Johnbobb: why

Scarlet: You have to wonder why Karo thought a list of the level worst films that the world of animation has cursed upon society, like a blight, a true pox of utter cancerous awfulness, was worthy of the time of Gauntlet Crew. Especially when you find yourself bleeding from the eyes, unable to contain the oozing braincells attempting to flee from your head as you watch Pound Puppies, an apt description of what you want to do after witnessing a story featuring someone with the horribly on-the-nose last name of McNasty and a puzzling MacGuffin called simply The Bone of Scone. Since when did scones come boned? I guess I have been fortunate enough to only eat boneless scones throughout my entire life. Fuck this movie, fuck Karo for making us watch this movie. There is not a single positive aspect of this movie whatsoever aside from its brevity, and even that doesnt save this shit from itself.
Rating: 4/100

JONA: This honestly might be the worst movie I've ever seen. I can't say a single positive thing about it. It's so derivative; there's nothing at all worth talking about.
all going according to the plan of BKSheikah this time...