Why have one Danganronpa V3 playthrough topic when you can have two? *SPOILERS*

Board 8

While I was still watching the downtime in Chapter 2, I thought maybe I should boot up my game and see who all I spent free time with so I could maybe look up what those free time events entailed, and first, I see that my last save data was made on October 8th of last year, so basically a full year's absence here. Second, I'm greeted with the end of the earth and that we're all heading into Maki's Lab Room, which I remembered clearly being not a Child Caregiver room because of how suspicious she was being, but beyond that, I had absolutely no recollection of context for this whatsoever. So I quickly turned it off.

I was fairly certain I spent at least 3 of my initial Shuichi Free Times with Ryoma, so I went ahead and watched those until they weren't ringing any bells anymore. Sure enough, his backstory hit home immediately, and I was reminded why I was so upset when his death was revealed. Then he started going into why he took down the mafia and that was definitely not something I'd seen before, but I guess I know it now! Oh well. Not gonna try and look up anyone else's, since this fanbase is so fucking bad at spoilers.

Anyway, as a heads-up, SD's topic is super in-depth on events and dialogue. I'm not too interested in keeping a log, per se, but what I am interested in providing here are current theories and opinions on how things are going. First up, I'll be giving my current ranking of characters.....
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform