Why have one Danganronpa V3 playthrough topic when you can have two? *SPOILERS*

Board 8

1. Maki
It may be part recency bias, but even before the revelation that she was the ultimate assassin, I found her fascinating. There are a select few Ultimates that I consider smart in this game, and she is definitely one of them. I also really like her design, and her sprite where her face gets real dark so her eyes can shine might be my favorite in the game so far.

2. Ryoma
His death might've hit me harder than anyone else's in the series so far on this side of Nagito. And Chiaki. And maybe Sakura. OK so maybe he's like top 5, but that's pretty impressive for a throwaway Case 2 victim. He kinda seemed like a generic mysterious bad boy at first, but he was really good at reading people and had plenty of wisdom to impart on everyone.

3. Korekiyo
I honestly have no idea what to expect with Kiyo. He's so fucking weird and I know there has to be more than meets the eye with him, but fuck if I know what it is. He mentioned his sister out of the blue once in passing, not even during a Free Time, so I'm sure that comes into play somewhere. When I resume the game, he is probably gonna be my top priority for Free Time.

4. Kaede
Man, she was such a breath of fresh air for a DR protagonist. So bubbly, outgoing, caring, and carefree...

5. Shuichi
Then shit happens and we're stuck with Makoto 2.0 now. At least, that's what I would've said before the second trial, but I remember getting a back route toward the end, where he busts out this ridiculous bluff with Kirumi being the only one involved with the magic act who had a room on the second floor, and I'm just like WHERE WAS THIS BEFORE, MR. "COULD THIS INNER TUBE IN THE POOL THAT WASN'T THERE A DAY AGO BE RELATED TO LAST NIGHT'S MURDER?" He got off to a super slow start, but if that last trial was any indication, he has a lot of room to move up on my list.

6. Keebo
I love Keebo. He's not really important and he doesn't have a very big role, but I think he's adorable.

7. Kirumi
Out of the entire cast, I feel like she was probably the most intelligent of them all. Her input in the first trial was great, and I was hoping to get more of that through the game. Welp.

8. Kaito
I like his archetype. The bull-headed guy who has good intentions, but no meaningful way to contribute them, so he just kinda cheers from the sidelines. I also like his design and the voice direction. But he got pushed on me a little too much in Case 2, so now I'm just kinda tired of him. Hopefully he doesn't take up the spotlight much longer.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform