Why have one Danganronpa V3 playthrough topic when you can have two? *SPOILERS*

Board 8

9. Kokichi
I know every killing game needs its own dissenter, but he's definitely my least favorite of the bunch so far. It was always tough trying to predict motives from Byakuya and Nagito, but Kokichi is super easy to read pretty much all the time. I do like that he's basically a human lie detector in trials, but never actually tells the rest of the class when he finds one.

10. Gonta
What a precious little sunflower he is. Which means he's probably going to end up killing someone on accident or something and my heart is going to break.

11. Rantaro
It wouldn't be a Danganronpa game if the first victim wasn't the last person you wanted it to be. I wanted to know more about him so bad, and yet here we are, two cases into the game, and we know absolutely nothing. I'm sure there will be way more where that came from by the time I get to the very end, but as it is, I just kinda have to throw him squarely into the "meh" camp.

By the way, if you've been keeping track at home, the bottom 5 are all girls who are currently alive!

........ *sigh*

12. Miu
I'm amazed that someone like this can exist, even in a fictional world. How does she still have enough self-esteem to maintain the bitchy facade? How did no one decide to constantly push back and make her a complete sub yet? Whatever, she's still somewhat entertaining. Her Tarzan yell in the second trial made me laugh more than it realistically should have.

13. Himiko
Pre-case 2, I probably had her in my top 5. Being too lazy to breathe is something I can relate to on a personal level. But wow did case 2 not do her any favors. When writing DRv3, they must've just played Apollo Justice and been like BRILLIANT. I'm sure everyone will be able to further relate to someone who prioritizes people believing she can perform strange feats over everyone in her class continuing to live!

14. Angie
I have never been into the whole religious nut archetype, but Angie's not too bad. She has taken control of trials to spur on discussion, and not in a THAT'S NOT KYOKO THAT'S A GHOST Yasuhiro kind of way, either. Somehow NYAHAHAHA isn't the most annoying laugh in the game.

15. Tenko
And here I thought the DR2 cast was too one-dimensional. I get it. You're a lesbian man-hater, you can say other words now. At least she has funny sprites, and tries to be helpful occasionally.

16. Tsumugi
You just need to get out of my game already, because you are ruining it. You have absolutely nothing whatsoever to contribute to this story. You have one role, ever, and that is to point out when someone is doing something strange or making a reference. "I don't think that's something you should be this excited about." "lol Death Note reference whoamg" "I'm just so plain plain plain plain plain PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN" GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU ARE NOT HELPING

Super Special Last Place: Monokids
These are actually the absolute worst, they just need to all die already.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform