Why have one Danganronpa V3 playthrough topic when you can have two? *SPOILERS*

Board 8

I feel like it's a sign that all my lower-ranked people were the ones that got brainwashed (Keebo's just confused, is all, obviously). Kaito is being weird, but it's probably for something stupid. I decide to spend the rest of my Free Time this section with Maki though, because I'm gearing up for her dying this chapter. Sure seems like it's pushing things that way.

I have to say, this kind of dynamic with the protagonist is new, though. In the other games, there was never really a clique focused around the guy solving the murders. Kyoko and Makoto weren't so much a pack of friends as much as it was someone using the other for personal gain. This Shuichi/Kaito/Maki band is kinda cool. It'll make it hurt that much more when Kaito kills Maki shortly.

Honestly, I don't think a chapter's downtime has ever made me feel as uneasy as this one's has. In past games, part of the fun was trying to place yourself in the protagonist's shoes and thinking of ways you would defuse the situation before it got to murder. In this chapter, I don't have the slightest idea, because how do you argue with Angie and Atua? Because of that, I've had a dark pit in my stomach as things spiral more and more out of control here.

Oh SHIT Tenko face-turn! Wow, in a matter of like 2 minutes she shot from 15th to like 7th. It makes a lot of sense for her to try something like this, too, given the whopping two personality traits she possesses.

For fuck sake, Shuichi, get a pair of balls. Why does he do this to me? In trials, he can come up with the most ridiculous shit to find the truth, but during free time, he can't figure out that something about the ritual is getting to Kaito? He can't take a minute during the night to get him alone and ask what's bothering him? And now at the slightest hint of pushback from Angie, his first thought is to give up and try again later. How the fuck did you think this was gonna go down? "You shouldn't do the ritual." "Oh, OK I won't." I don't understand him. He's Makoto by day then moonlights as Kyoko during trials.

And since he's leaving, that's basically signing Angie's death warrant tonight.

Told you Kaito was dumb. Anyway, on my way back to Angie's Lab the next morning, I'm keeping my eye open for people in the distance who could plausibly be wax. I know how this shit works. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm able to sequence-break in Danganronpa games. Rats.

Tenko is having trouble finding Himiko, which has me a bit worried she's the victim now, but that's quickly alleviated when I see her in front of the door, and she's actually talking to me and not made of wax. Look, I don't know why a culprit would think that would accomplish anything, but in the heat of the moment, I hadn't thought that far ahead yet.

Yeeeeeeeeeeep, bye Angie. You will not be missed.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform