Why have one Danganronpa V3 playthrough topic when you can have two? *SPOILERS*

Board 8

Finished up my investigation of the Art Lab, then went and did the seance with Kiyo, Tenko, Himiko, and Kokichi. I was really confused as to why so much preparation was going into it, wondering if someone was going to try and use it to place blame on someone else.

Here we go again on why I hate Shuichi. A massive fucking thud happens in the dark room I'm in, I don't care if I'm performing surgery, I'm stopping everything and figuring out what that was first. And because he doesn't, RIP Tenko. With the sudden, rapid character development she was going through, I guess I should've seen that coming, but the rules weren't established for multiple killings yet, so I still caught me off guard.

Honestly, I don't have a fucking clue going into this trial. Everything to do with the cross-section under the floor has me stumped because I have no knowledge to the workings of housebuilding and what any of this shit does, so I'm going to be flying by the seat of my pants. One thing I believe I have figured out at least, is that the sickle was used from under the floor, through the floorboard that came loose under the cage. You could reach up, then the point comes back down, and into Tenko's neck.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform