Why have one Danganronpa V3 playthrough topic when you can have two? *SPOILERS*

Board 8

Hahahaha fuck yes. I didn't particularly care who killed Tenko, but I really did want it to at least be two different people. The fact that Kiyo in particular was the one who killed Tenko and likely did NOT kill Angie is basically the best-case scenario.

I just did the Split Opinion over whether to vote for Kiyo, and I'm trying to piece together why the other murder was relevant in all this. The only thing we didn't go over in that case that involved those rooms was the dried blood, which I correctly predicted would be the most important clue regarding the case overall. I'm just really confused as to why. I doubt Angie ever went there, so whose is it? I guess by process of elimination, it kinda HAS to be hers, right? If that's the case, how early was she killed?

My very first thought was that it was not even during nighttime, and she was dead when she saw "Angie" in her lab last night. Then I thought, what if Tsumugi disguised herself as Angie and either she got cospox, but it looked totally normal because of Angie's tan, or she didn't get cospox because she clarifies that it only happens when she cosplays as "living" people.

But the Monokuma File distinctly states that she died at 2 am. So dammit, that's out. I still have no idea, but I'm at least fairly certain we can rule out Kiyo.

........ oh jeez, did I get my prime suspects completely backwards? Maki killed Angie and Kiyo killed Tenko.....
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform