Why have one Danganronpa V3 playthrough topic when you can have two? *SPOILERS*

Board 8

So that investigation did a whole lot in debunking basically all of my earlier theories, that login/logout record especially.

It still seems like Miu was definitely up to something, but I don't think poisoning everyone in the game is it. She was probably setting up a kill on Kokichi, and it backfired. The main mystery that leads me to believe this is the lone Y-axis wall she set up. I believe that she set up both walls; they are just one and the same. Without it, the world loops indefinitely. She set it up so that only non-human objects are allowed to pass through it, and made herself a non-human object. This explains why the sign washed down-river to the east, and ended up on the left side of a rock to the west.

Her plan was to loosen the bridge to essentially separate the two groups. Then, she used her cell phone to forcibly log Kaito out, and walked through the wall she set up herself to get to the mansion. There, she could meet Kokichi on the roof, touch him, leaving him paralyzed, and kill him with the hammer at her own leisure. There, she could lock the door and use the toilet paper to climb down off the roof, since the TP can't tear, walk back through the wall, and the job would be done. It would be a very effective frame job on Kaito.

The question is, who knew of this plan, and how did they circumvent it to kill Miu? There are a few pieces of evidence that are left out of this plan, and I have no idea where they fit into the puzzle, like the lattice and the avatar error. I'm guessing that error has a huge role to play, but without more info, I'm left to wonder what that is. In the end, I feel like I have a good 60% of this mystery solved, yet am no closer to figuring out the murder method or the murderer, and that's kinda frustrating.

One guess I have as to the loud noises is that the murderer just hit the building they were next to with the hammer, then threw it through the wall to hit the other building, to cause both at nearly the same time. This would bring everyone together, so we would get worried and head back and discover the body.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform