Europeans are still the worst.

Board 8

Board 8 » Europeans are still the worst.
So we are in the Panama Canal. I have had my spot to look from the ship since 2:30am in the morning.

Gets to about 10am and i take a few steps away to answer a question from someone, it takes me 5 seconds and in that time some Europeans, they sounded like they were speaking German but it could have just been something that sounded like German, rush up and steal my prime spot.

I am annoyed and they speak 0 English. There is a less desirable spot next to them( i had a box to sit on i could no longer sit on), so i resign myself to stand there.

This is where the worst of it happens. One of them sneezes, and not a dry allergy sneeze, a big i have a cold and i sound awful sneeze. I look at him sniffling, his eyes are kind of red, and his breathing is clearly congested.

Then he wipes his nose, face, mouth all with his finger.

Then he wipes his finger all over the fucking railing.

This is how fucking cruise outbreaks happen and vacations get ruined. I abandoned the area altogether because fuck that. Absolutely awful.
Goooooo Brexit
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
Their inability to queue in line is still probably the worst though.
Yeah because we don't have our languages. And we care about English only!
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
sounds like manifest destiny to me
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
Yes because clearly only Europeans are disgusting disrespectful slobs, while everyone else is wonderful.
"The people who play Final Fantasy 7 actually have lives and dont NEED polls" ~MajinUltima
BKSheikah won Guru, but you know that.
Leafeon13N posted...
Their inability to queue in line is still probably the worst though.

Please. Please. PLEASE. Come to China.
User ID: 4002777
Leafeon13N posted...
Their inability to queue in line is still probably the worst though.

Says the guy who left his prime spot open for anyone to take
2 + 2 = 4
It's a cruise

Can't be surprised that 90% of the people there are assholes
Better than furries
Sounds like the beginning of World War Z to me.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
Bartzyx posted...
It's a cruise

Can't be surprised that 90% of the people there are assholes

70 percent of this cruise is nice. 25% of the cruise is rude people that will try to get in the elevator before people get off. The remaining 5% are European.
I dunno man, I think people who stereotype the entire population of continents based on the behavior of a few people are worse.
Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
Not_an_Owl posted...
I dunno man, I think people who stereotype the entire population of continents based on the behavior of a few people are worse.

When i meet some that show otherwise my opinion will change accordingly.
Not_an_Owl posted...
I dunno man, I think people who stereotype the entire population of continents based on the behavior of a few people are worse.

And to clarify, the number of Europeans ive had to deal with that have this issue is most certainly in the thousands.

Is it all of them, no. But a high enough percentage that i am very comfortable calling it a European issue.
you've encountered thousands of europeans who didn't know how to queue in line? wut?
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
When I played Rollercoaster Tycoon they would always just jump the fence and stand on the track
Whiskey Nick on his cell phone
"Every man's heart one day beats its final beat." -Warrior
Mr Lasastryke posted...
you've encountered thousands of europeans who didn't know how to queue in line? wut?


They may know how they just choose not to.
Sounds made up
#SEP #Awesome #Excellent #Greatness #SteveNash #VitaminWater #SmellingLikeTheVault #Pigeon #Sexy #ActuallyAVeryIntelligentVelociraptor #Heel #CoolSpot #EndOfSig
Southern Europeans, especially Italians are notorious for not knowing how to queue. It's not in the culture.
5tarscream posted...
Leafeon13N posted...
Their inability to queue in line is still probably the worst though.

Please. Please. PLEASE. Come to China.

Or Korea. I just wanted to drop kick them all in the face. They ate also probably the worlds worst drivers, and that's saying something because here in Canada we could rival them.
Wreath posted...
They ate also probably the worlds worst drivers

Sounds like they're a benefit to society.
"The people who play Final Fantasy 7 actually have lives and dont NEED polls" ~MajinUltima
BKSheikah won Guru, but you know that.
swirIdude posted...
Wreath posted...
They ate also probably the worlds worst drivers

Sounds like they're a benefit to society.

Seoul food
European culture will be nearly done by the end of our lifetimes tbh.
Bells, bells, bells!
european culture is not a thing
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
Apparently it is, sneezing on innocent Americans
2 + 2 = 4
Board 8 » Europeans are still the worst.