Platinum #44: Bioshock Infinite (PS4)

Board 8

Board 8 » Platinum #44: Bioshock Infinite (PS4)
I played this game back when it was first released, but it was not until the PS4 release that I decided to go for the platinum trophy. It's a fun game and really neat to play again for so long.

I have trouble saying if it is better than the other Bioshock games. It has stronger characters and better pacing but the gameplay is not really anything new or exciting. It does help that Elizabeth is better than anything in those games.

1999 mode was not hard, really. It is way too easy to abuse the most powerful gear (winter shield lol) and vigors (undertow or bronco+devil's kiss) in the late game fights to make them completely trivial. But the game in general is easier than the others, I think.

The Burial at Sea DLC is totally shit and was very disappointing after Minerva's Den. It's basically fan fiction in my eyes and poorly conceived at that. Bad mechanics too.
give us the girl and wipe away the debt
Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
Board 8 » Platinum #44: Bioshock Infinite (PS4)