Why is Ganondorf so weak?

Board 8

Board 8 » Why is Ganondorf so weak?
NNID, PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
DD:DA Pawn: Xekoben the support mage
Because the match picture shows Ganon (and the 8-bit one, too), a less popular form of Ganondorf.
"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So... what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
He's doing fairly well, considering he's fighting Mega Man in his most iconic form(8 bit)
I just mean with Link being the undisputed number 1, you'd think his villain would fare well too. And he's a badass villain and one of the greatest of all time.
NNID, PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
DD:DA Pawn: Xekoben the support mage
why? look at the stupid picture that's why.
because he's a ganondork
RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :(
That's pic is incorrect anyway. Gannon and Ganondorf aren't the same.
NNID, PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
DD:DA Pawn: Xekoben the support mage
Waluigi1 posted...
That's pic is incorrect anyway. Ganon and Ganondorf aren't the same.

They're the same character, one is just transformed.
You felt your sins weighing down on your neck.
He is a bad guy. You can't really like a bad guy. Okay you can if they have some redeeming qualities. But Ganon is pure evil. You can't like him!
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
Waluigi1 posted...
That's pic is incorrect anyway. Gannon and Ganondorf aren't the same.

you should play ocarina of time

it's a p good game
somethin somethin hung somethin horse somethin
Time will tell how weak he actually is. There was a time when he was on par with Bowser. If that is still the case Megaman should be able to beat Crono and challenge Cloud. If MM rolls over in those matches then its pretty inexplicable why Ganondorf dropped in a year when Zelda has boosted to NN level.
LeBron "Stannis" James - The one true king of the NBA
Link versus Cloud posted...
Time will tell how weak he actually is. There was a time when he was on par with Bowser. If that is still the case Megaman should be able to beat Crono and challenge Cloud. If MM rolls over in those matches then its pretty inexplicable why Ganondorf dropped in a year when Zelda has boosted to NN level.

I don't think it's mm.. he has the best picture possible.. his jump sprite. Ganondorf has the worst picture imaginable.
Board 8 » Why is Ganondorf so weak?