This poll of the day kind of actively pisses me off.

Board 8

red13n posted...
I almost want to delete this topic.

Especially since one recent post might actually be serious.

People don't become moon landing skeptics because they're so dumb that just seeing the concept makes them believe in it. They believe it because when they look at a topic with skepticism, and they find one side that has a lot of "facts" and arguments, and the other side is drowned out by people like you who think it's dumb to not to instantly believe dogmatic facts that they learned in grade school, they go with the more intelligent option of the two.

The truth is if you actually took the effort into learning why the moon landing is perceived as fake, you not only would actually learn something and probably gain a reasonable understanding of why there's skepticism amoung the general populace, but you would also actually understand the goddamn moon landing. As it is, if we had a televised debate with you and a moon landing denier, I'm pretty sure the denier could dance circles around you.

tl;dr moon landing deniers are dumb, but they're that way largely because of people like you.

and I've found a way to feel superior to both