This poll of the day kind of actively pisses me off.

Board 8

Lopen posted...
I'm not going out of my way to troll you. It was just a rather silly post that read like you haven't actually looked into it at all.

I mean Drakeryn started it after all!

No I actually was bored at work the other day and people were spewing conspiracy links on twitter and there was a really good dedicated website linked. I'm trying to find it for you but it was on my phone and literally doesn't come up with a search of "moon". That was probably the furthest I've looked into beyond a few token "oh hey these theories are crazy heres why" many years back.

Hence why this was actually on my mind when the poll came up.

I also happened to be at a public place that had something to commemorate the moon landing and there were literal people that got up at points to spout out to the crowd that the whole thing was fake. It was really fucking depressing. So the poll coming a bit after that absolutely touched a nerve.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.