Anyone else see Knives Out? (spoilers?)

Board 8

Board 8 » Anyone else see Knives Out? (spoilers?)
Pretty good movie

Really grew to love Daniel Craig's over-the-top accent, and there were some great quotes

I thought it was pretty interesting how what Marta did was revealed very early in the definitely worked well as misdirection, and it made me wonder a lot about how things would unfold.
Just saw it and really enjoyed it! Just a fun, interesting movie that, oddly enough, I don't really have a lot to talk about.
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It was quite a treat. Like a donut hole, within another donut hole.
I really liked it! My wife and I saw it opening day, but we signed up for one of this monthly unlimited movie passes so we see pretty much everything that doesn't look awful. This was our favorite tar we had seen for awhile though. It was definitely an interesting choice for them to have given us, the audience, so much information so early on. I think as a result we were able to see most of the turns before they happened, but it didn't make the movie any less enjoyable.
it was fantastic. agree with your spoiler, really clever writing
Congrats Black Turtle !
Apparently Rian Johnson said if this does well he may try to do more Blanc movies in the future. And it grossed double what it was expected to in the opening weekend, so it may happen
Board 8 » Anyone else see Knives Out? (spoilers?)