The Great 2019 Video Game Challenge (Topic two)

Board 8

31. Beat a game with a child lead

Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass

This is the best RPG Maker game I've ever played. That might sound like damning with faint praise, but given how much I enjoyed LISA, it really isn't. It can vary tonally quite a bit, but despite it often being a lighthearted comedy, it pulls off despair and horror shockingly well. The mechanics aren't anything groundbreaking, but the execution makes for a decent amount of strategy, and some very fun boss fights. It's quite long for the price (my final time was 41 hours, and I know there's plenty of post game content,) and the music is excellent. Look into this if you're a fan of JRPGs.


Looks like I'm going to end the year with exactly 75 games beaten unless I hurry up playing Code Vein (which I've been neglecting since picking up Jimmy.) Pretty good number to end on.
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