FFD Rates/Ranks/Generally talks about all things Resident Evil [thisisthetopic]

Board 8

Alright so I've broken down the games into seven tiers, completely subjectively. A big part of things is how much I enjoyed playing them at the time as well as how much I enjoy playing them now. Because this series still remains the only one that I've gone back multiple times to replay from start to finish. But I also consider how much I like the contained story, plus how it effects or changes the other games around it. But really, all subjective.

Every tier has three games, except this first tier, which has four... because they are just bad.

[Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D]
Resident Evil: Dead Aim
[Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code: Veronica]
Umbrella Corps

Non-canon games in brackets (there's four total, for those of you playing the home game). Everything about Umbrella Corps makes me mad, from the whole E-SPORTS push before it was even finished, to the fact that it's somehow canon. The only good thing I can say about it is that it failed so spectacularly that it forced Capcom to sit down and re-evaluate their life decisions. And since then... They've actually gotten their shit together. Thanks? Survivor 2 is just a bad light gun game with reused assets, and Nemesis is there for no reason, but IT'S ALL A DREAM. Dead Aim continues the tradition of cruise ships being the second most dangerous mode of transport in the REUniverse after helicopters, but it's another bad light gun game. And the TG Virus had potential, but in reality it just makes you transgender and zappy. Doesn't really affect the series as a whole, so why should I care about it? And then there's Minigame: The Game, which is whatever, I can play it while pooping I guess. Best thing to come out of that is some of the bonus costumes, like AMERICA BARRY.

Hulk Hogan eat your heart out.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?