FFD Rates/Ranks/Generally talks about all things Resident Evil [thisisthetopic]

Board 8

This topic makes me want to fire up another retrospective myself!

Umbrella Corps could really be my least favorite game of all time. What a total dumpster fire that was. I don't even like having it in my purchased section.

ORC is definitely a fun time every once in a while. it always startles me though how little story there actually is, despite having pre-baked RE2 & RE3 plots to work off of already. I just feel like there's barely any continuity between the campaign missions.

I've said a lot about RE6 recently so I won't repeat myself too much; just a really fun game in my eyes and I still think as far as character moments go it has a lot of memorable ones for me actually. Definitely doesn't rank high for me though in the wider series still.
What I am about to do has not been approved by the Vatican.
https://imgur.com/MmrKwGZ - https://imgur.com/ntWVGyh