FFD Rates/Ranks/Generally talks about all things Resident Evil [thisisthetopic]

Board 8

I don't really enjoy playing much RE6, which is the biggest problem for how long it is. I can usually forgive bad gameplay OR bad plot, but RE6 is at the weird intersection for me where everything strikes me the wrong way for some reason. And for a numbered entry, that's just not acceptable.

It's also the culmination of biohazards continually growing, so going global was an inevitability, but it was always going to be unsustainable. (Fun Fact: We've had an outbreak on every continent now (if you include the stage play (which Capcom does)).

I'm just happy it didn't completely push the series in that direction, despite its sales.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?