What's the best you've done in a contest?

Board 8

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Board 8 » What's the best you've done in a contest?
I wound up doing really well in Rivalry Rumble, but that was a clusterfuck. 9th overall for the bracket (8th for prizes) and 3rd for the battle bracket (tied for first, got the 2nd place prize)
JeffRaze , for all your random spellcasting needs
I won once. :)
Winner of Character Battle VII
I didn't pick Cloud > Link!

I had Link > Master Chief. Which I honestly think could have panned out if not for L-Block getting in the way.

That's not to say L-Block didn't possibly save me points in other places but for the purposes of the final it only helped if over the field if Link > Cloud happened (which wasn't out of the question to be fair)
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
I had Link>Snake for my pick.
Top 10 in years
Top 50 in the recent characters one

And those plus the most recent games one are the only one I've done serious research for, but yeah undertale screwed me that year

Not expecting to make it 3 top 50s in a row though as this one seems hard to predict
Started from the bottom now we here
I won the contest where GF was celebrating its 6th anniversary and you had to name characters whose name started with "Vi".
"Um, let's face it, you'd be better off staying at the Hilton."
http://facebook.com/GFAQS | http://twitter.com/GameFAQs
SBAllen posted in my topic.
( SBell )
Probably 2005 characters? I was in the top 50 for a while at one point.

Might have been 2004 characters. It was when I was in college so one of those two years.
Don't mess with a Bunny!
31st in the CBIX expert challenge, just missed out on a Karma prize. Almost made the leaderboard in CBX.
Congratulations to Advokaiser , the Guru champion for the 2017 Best Year in Gaming contest.
Obellisk posted...
SBAllen posted in my topic.

this almost tops my egg and spoon contest
Advokaiser makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
Steiner posted...
this almost tops my egg and spoon contest

You came in second. I think maybe if you had won.
( SBell )
I usually dont do well. One year though I made it pretty far (like quarters or something) in the top 20 I think. But for whatever reason I picked Squirtle to beat Pikachu (it was a 3 way). Basically killed my chances of prizing.
Obellisk posted...
You came in second. I think maybe if you had won.

maybe if cjayc had posted in your topic
Advokaiser makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
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Board 8 » What's the best you've done in a contest?
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