Do you think Seph and Sonic are still the weakest Noble Niners?

Board 8

Sephiroth was for sure the best chance for Tifa to overperform and Samus the best chance for Tifa to underperform. I don't think it's impossible for something like Seph > Sonic > Tifa > Seph, but again, Samus was the worst she could run into so I think it's possible Tifa just beats them both.

Expecting FF7R boost to be a thing. I'd pick Seph above at least Sonic now, maybe also Mega Man, Crono and Snake. I think there's a clear top 4 of it now. Snake has nowhere to go but down, <i>probably</i>. Crono's saving grace is truly the exact demographic our site has been left to. I don't think the Sonic movie will make any noticable difference unless the character battle was like... now.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to Advokaiser , the winner of the Character Battle X guru contest.