BOARD 8 ELECTS - The Election of 1796 - John Adams (F) vs Thomas Jefferson (DR)

Board 8

I'm going with Adams .

Supporting good relations with Britain makes complete sense, since they have the most powerful navy in the world and have a huge colony with a border to our north, and island colonies to our south. We need good relations with them much more than we need good relations with France. That said, having good relations with both is obviously preferable, and since Britain would support the continued French monarchy over the revolutionaries, that would keep the peace between those two and ourselves way better than Republican France is likely to. If the French want a republican form of government, so be it, but there's no indication that the revolutionaries will be better in practice than the monarchy was given what's happening right now. I don't like Adams' policy on domestic tariffs, but the foreign policy concerns are clearly much more important right now.
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005